Is Social Gambling Legal In New York

While online gambling in New York is, by and large, illegal, there are still some online activities in which players can participate due to legal loopholes. Additionally, many in-person gambling activities are already open for those willing to head to the state’s handful of casinos. When Will Legal Online Gambling Come To New York? On July 1, 2000, a new law took effect in the state of South Carolina, whereby the ownership, possession, or operation of a video poker machine, for either commercial or personal use, became illegal. Violators are subject to prosecution and substantial fines. Through at least 2007, the only type of legalized gambling in that state is the South Carolina Education Lottery. The Empire State does have legalized sports gambling at four upstate casinos, but that’s a drop in the ocean compared to what New York could be pulling in with widespread, mobile legalization. How insignificant is what New York is pulling in from its upstate casinos that are allowed to offer retail sports gambling?

Code Section
PEN§225.00 et seq.; 47A:101 et seq.; RW&B 47A§518
Staking or risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under person’s control, upon an agreement that he/she will receive something of value, given a certain event
Horse Racing/Off-Track Betting
Licensed horse and harness racing legal. Off-track parimutuel wagering at licensed facilities lega
Dog Racing/Off-Track Betting
Not specified
Casinos Allowed?
Gambling devices prohibited
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Other Kinds of Gambling-Related Activities Allowed or Banned
Promoting gambling; possession of gambling records; bookmaking; possession of gambling devices illegal. Games of chance sponsored by bona fide charitable organizations allowed. Social, private gambling allowed